Wednesday, February 09
Kumbhol Castle to Udaipur – 80K
Elevation in Udaipur: 1903
I woke in the middle of the night with digestive distress – that’s a nice way of putting it! I’m already on Cipro (a broad spectrum antibiotic) so that’s not a good thing. I loaded up on the Imodium and opted to NOT ride this morning. I felt awful! We have the option of riding the lunch truck if we are not feeling well - there were 5 of us on the lunch truck today – for one reason or another. Anagretta from Denmark had to have stitches in her knee yesterday –she was part of the” pelaton” and bumped the bike in front of her - she went down, cutting open her knee with her pedal.
I took only a few picture along the way and I was in the sun so the pictures turned out pretty bad. Here’s my favorite that I took out the opposite side of the van when we stopped to pick up a tired rider.
Udaipur is a popular tourist spot so I hope to get some pictures tomorrow to post. My room has a balcony and I’ve taken a few pictures from here – a squirrel (there are so many of them around here), and the shrine just across the drive from me, and a picture of my new shoes which are VERY comfy! Oh and a picture of the hot water tank in my bathroom… exciting I know. Many of the bathrooms in our hotel rooms have their own separate hot water tank like this…. And there’s a 50/50 chance that it works. This time my hot water worked great but the cold water barely trickled out… go figure! Oh, and none of the lights worked in the bathroom – they had to replace one bulb in the ceiling and the entire florescent fixture over the sink while I was hanging out on the balcony. J