Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kishangarh to Pushkar – 50K

Thursday, Feb 3

Kishangarh to Pushkar – 50K

Today’s ride was a short one and we were to our hotel by mid-day. Pushkar is one of the 3 religious centers of India. It is the city of Brahma (not sure on the spelling). In the center of the city is the lake and it is completely surrounded with temples – over 500 of them.
Candie and I went for a walk after arriving but Jan was not feeling well so she layed down to rest. As we walked out onto the road, there were 3 camels laying along the side of the road. This is one of my favorite shots of one of them.

The view at the lake was beautiful. I love this picture because it caught a pigeon in flight in for foreground.

One more view: