The nearly 16 hour flight to Dubai "flew" by - two movies then two Advil PMs and I was good to go until they served us breakfast about an hour and half before landing. Well, except for the elderly gentleman who sat across the far aisle from me. I had the 4 center seats to myself and was looking forward to stretching out for a semi-comfy sleep. But while I was watching the last movie before settling down with my blanket, he scooted across the aisle and stretched his legs out to cover all three vacant seats! I have a soft spot for the elderly but I must admit that it took me a few minutes to surrender those seats... with a good attitude. :-)
We left San Francisco in the evening and flew north east - the polar route. The screen in the cabin showed our flight status the entire trip and I enjoyed seeing where "in the world" we were as we were flying over each country/ocean. As it turned out, we flew just far enough north that we missed all but a few moments daylight of Tuesday - we landed around 7 pm in the dark.
The Dubai airport is impressive - very nice. We have a long layover here and are staying at the hotel IN the airport so we don't have to go through customs when we go to get on our next flight to Delhi, which leaves here at 4 am. This is a perfect spot to get cleaned up and update our blogs.
Here's the room and the view out the window:
I'm using Jan's laptop to post this blog... mine won't connect to the internet here. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come!